Respawn Entertainment constantly updates Apex Legends to keep the players invested and engaged in the game. Over the years, they have added different features to the game to entice the players.
These features include a new Legend, Battle pass, Season, or Map. However, none of these things can even compare to the level of excitement the players get by unlocking cosmically rare item or set in the game.
Sets and items are a great way to raise fan excitement. A well-made set can instantly hook the fans in. These sets make the players want to unlock them no matter how difficult. And, out of all the unlockable items in the game, none are as coveted as Heirlooms.
Heirlooms are Mystic tier cosmetic items every player dreams of unlocking in the game. They consist of melee cosmetic items that can completely transform the weapon your Legend holds in the game.
There are a total of 15 Heirlooms in Apex Legends. Each is extremely rare and needs a lot of effort and time to unlock.
However, similar to other things in Apex Legends, a lot of players ask the question, what are the worst Heirlooms in Apex Legends? The answer to that question can vary based on a variety of things. As the Heirlooms are mystic-tier items, each is insanely hard to unlock. So, most players prefer the Heirlooms that they already have unlocked and those have a special place in their hearts.
However, there is a more definitive answer to that question. So, let us look at all the Heirlooms and find out which ones are the worst in Apex Legends.
Let us start with Bangalore’s Cold Steel Knife. It is considered by many as the worst Heirloom in the game because of its simplicity. After that, we have other Heirlooms like Gibraltar’s War Club and Wraith’s Kunai Blade. Fans dislike these particular Heirlooms because they are not the effort you must put in to unlock as they are considered relatively bland.
Other items like Lifeline’s Shock Sticks, Bloodhound’s Raven’s Bite, and Pathfinder’s Boxing Gloves also make the list when we talk about the worst Heirlooms in Apex Legends.
If you want to learn more about Heirlooms, we suggest you keep reading. We will look at what Heirlooms are and how you can unlock them in the game. We will then also look at the worst Heirlooms in Apex Legends and the factors contributing to their low ranking. So, without further ado, let’s dive in;
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What Are Heirlooms?

Heirlooms are mythically rare melee cosmetic items that can be unlocked and equipped. Once you have unlocked an Heirloom, you will also get custom attacks and inspection animations. The Heirlooms typically come in the form of a set. Each set also contains items other than the Heirlooms.
These items can include a banner pose and a subsequent intro quip. The sets can also sometimes feature a kill quip, an emote, or a banner frame. These sets are normally introduced through Seasonal Collection Events.
How Can You Unlock Heirloom Sets?
There are two different ways in which you can unlock these Heirloom sets. The easier and cheaper way to unlock these sets is through Collection Events. These events normally last for two weeks and have 24 different cosmetic items you can unlock.
These unique cosmetic items can be unlocked through special event loot boxes. Once you have unlocked all 24 of these items, you will get the new Heirloom as a reward.
However, if you don’t want to grind in the collection event to acquire the Heirloom set you can use in-game currency to unlock these 24 event loot boxes and unlock the Heirloom set that way. However, that will cost you a lot of money as each of these boxes typically costs 700 coins.
So, you will have to spend 16,800 Apex Coins to unlock these loot boxes.
Once the event finishes, these mystical Heirloom sets are moved to the appropriately named Mystic Store, where they can be purchased using Heirloom Shards. The price of an Heirloom set in the Mystic Store is 150 Shards.
What Are Heirloom Shards?

Heirloom shards are a special currency used in the Mystic Store to purchase Heirlooms. You need 150 Heirloom Shards to unlock a single Heirloom set from the Mystic Store.
How Can You Unlock Heirloom Shards?
The Heirloom shards can be unlocked in a variety of ways. The first of which is through an Apex Pack. Opening an Apex Pack can earn you 150 Heirloom Shards. Heirloom Shards are typically given in sets of 150.
This is the exact amount needed to purchase an Heirloom from the Mystic Store. Every single Heirloom eventually makes its way to the Mystic Store after their particular collection event ends. Once there, you can purchase them using 150 Shards.
However, getting these Heirloom Shards is no easy feat, as it requires a lot of luck to acquire these Shards. There is a 0.2% chance of you getting 150 Heirloom Shards by unlocking a simple Apex Pack.
If you luck out with 500 Apex Packs completely, you will automatically get 150 Heirloom Shards as a reward. But, to reach 500 packs, you would have to spend a large chunk of in-game currency. Each pack costs about 100 Apex Coins to unlock. To get 500 Apex Packs, you would have to spend 50,000 Apex Coins, equating to $500.
If you do not have that kind of money to spend on unlocking a single item, then there are other ways to get Heirloom Shards. You can access Heirloom Shards by either Ranking up a Battle pass or leveling up in the game.
Another essential thing to keep in mind is that once you unlock all the heirloom sets, you can only get shards once a new Heirloom Set gets introduced.
The Worst Heirlooms in Apex Legends
Now that we have discussed how you can unlock an Heirloom in Apex Legends let us look at the worst ones in the game. There are 15 Heirlooms in Apex Legends, and all of them bring something unique to the table.
However, let us discuss the worst Heirlooms in the game and why they are considered less desirable by the Aped Legends player base;
1. The War Club – Gibraltar’s Heirloom

Gibraltar’s Heirloom Set comes with the Like a Rock Banner Pose, an Intro Quip, and the War Club. This is considered by many as one of the worst Heirlooms in Apex Legends. It is considered underwhelming by many players because of its large size and lackluster design.
The War Club is a simple wooden stick with a few metal spikes at the end. It is boring when you compare it with the epicness of other Heirlooms.
Additionally, the subsequent attack animation for the Heirloom is also clunky and needs more impact. This makes animation less satisfying and the Heirloom one of the worst in the game.
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2. Shock Sticks – Lifeline’s Heirloom

Lifeline’s Heirloom Set comes with a Shock Sticks Banner Pose, an Intro Quip, and the Shock Sticks. When the item was first revealed, many fans were excited about the concept of Shock Sticks.
However, the execution of this item leaves a lot to be desired. The design is considered uninspired and boring compared to other Heirlooms.
The subsequent attack animation accompanying the Sticks is also not as fluid and creative as other Heirlooms. This lackluster attack animation and item design make it a bad Heirloom.
3. Butterfly Knife: Octane’s Heirloom

Number 3 on our list is Octane’s Butterfly Knife Heirloom. This Heirloom Set came with the Spin and Flick Banner Pose, Intro Quip, and Butterfly Knife. This set was a part of the System Override Collection Event and was unlocked by completing the entire Event.
While the Butterfly Knife is a classic weapon in the game, Octane’s version leaves much to be desired. The Knife is simple in its design and does not incorporate any of Octane’s abilities or unique features.
The attack animation associated with the item is better than the other items on the list so far. However, it is not good enough to make for the item’s lack of artistic flair.
3. Cold Steel – Bangalore’s Heirloom

Bangalore’s Heirloom Set has a No Gun, No Problem Banner Pose, an Intro Quip, and Cold Steel weapon skin. Bangalore’s Heirloom is a lot better than most Heirlooms on our list, but it suffers from a lack of creativity. One of the major knocks against this Heirloom is that it looks like Bangalore’s actual weapon.
Additionally, the attack animations for the Cold Steel knife are less fluid and impressive than other Heirloom items. This is one of the main reasons why Cold Steel is considered a bad Heirloom by Apex Legends players.
4. Hope’s Dusk- Wraith’s Heirloom

Wraith’s Heirloom was available on the game’s launch and included a Fearless Banner Pose, an Intro Quip, and the Hope’s Dusk weapon. This Heirloom is considered bad by many players because of its simplistic design.
This is especially apparent when you compare it with other more elaborate, flashy Heirlooms in the game. Many players feel like it lacks the wow factor typically associated with an Heirloom item.
Another problem with this Heirloom is that its attack animation feels clunky and awkward when you use it in the game. Some players have complained that this animation can slow down the weapon’s attack speed, making it a massive burden in high-stake situations.
These are why Hope’s Dusk is on our list of the worst Heirlooms in Apex Legends.
5. Raven’s Bite – Bloodhound’s Heirloom