Hollow Knight is a famous 2D action-adventure game created by Team Cherry. One of the game’s most rewarding and challenging jobs is obtaining the Void Heart, an essential item that enables a unique ending and several new powers.
As you know, with great power comes great responsibility.
The Void Heart can be obtained in two steps. First, get both halves of the white fragment for the kingsoul. The first half can be obtained from the White Lady, and the other one can be taken off of the body of the Pale King. Once you have both halves of the white fragment, go down to the abyss and claim Void Heart
In this article, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to get the Void Heart and what abilities it unlocks.
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What Is Void Heart In Hollow Knight?

The Void Heart is another charm that can be found in Hollow Knight. The Void Heart can be obtained in the Abyss after recalling the memory. The Siblings, Void Tendrils, and the Shadow all become passive once you get the Void Heart.
It also gives access to the Godmaster area Pantheon of Hallownest and unlocks 4 endings. Void Heart replaces the Kingsoul charm. It does not have any Kingsoul effect, nor does it use any Notches.
The Void Heart cannot be equipped once obtained.
What Is Kingsoul In Hollow Knight?
A Kingsoul is another charm in Hollow Knight. It is required if you want to get Void Heart. When you claim Kingsoul, the Abyss automatically unlocks.
Kingsoul generates 2 SOUL every 2 seconds but uses many Notches. It can be useful to those who are patient and like casting spells.
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What Are The Effects Of Kingsoul In Hollow Knight?
The Kingsoul is required to unlock the Void Heart.
Kingsoul will have the following effects on your game;
Slowly Generates 4 SOUL Every 2 Second
SOUL in Hollow Knight is obtained by hitting things. SOUL can be used to cast spells and heal. You lose max SOUL when you die till you kill Shade. Some charms like Kingsoul can help in the regeneration of SOUL.
Opens A Secret Area Within the Abyss
Getting the Kingsoul results in massive progress toward getting the Void Heart. The secret area in the Abyss unlocks after you obtain Kingsoul, which then helps convert the Kingsoul to the Void Heart.
Unlocks A New Interaction with the White Lady
After getting the Kingsoul a new dialogue with White Lady unlocks which is;
“Ahh! So it bears our once-fractured soul, now complete. Such strength, such resolve, such dedication! Is it more than simply a Vessel? I almost feel like I’m once again in the presence of my beloved Wyrm.
The Kingsoul… What is at the heart of it I wonder? If its curiosity wills it, it should seek out that place. That place where it was born, where it died, where it began…”
How Can I Get Kingsoul In Hollow Knight?
To get Kingsoul you need first to get the two halves of White Fragment. The two halves of the white fragment can be found after defeating the Mantis Lord and then going to the White Lady in Queen’s Garden.

And the other half can be found off the body of Pale King after completing the White Palace. It is possible to sit on the throne after knocking off the corpse of the Pale King.
And before picking up the fragment, if you sit down on the throne and wait for a few seconds, a sick version of the main theme kicks in. The Pale King’s corpse is present on the top of the White Palace.

Once you possess both halves, the Kingsoul is automatically crafted and replaces the slot where half of the Kingsoul was present before.
How To Get The Void Heart In Hollow Knight?

You then need to go to The Abyss and a secret place called The Birthplace. The entrance of The Birthplace only opens when the Kingsoul is equipped.
There is an egg at the end of The Birthplace. Upon getting hit with the Awoken Dream Nail, the egg reveals a memory involving The Pale King and The Vessels. After the memory, the Kingsoul is changed into Void Heart and cannot be unequipped.
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What Are The Effects Of Void Heart In Hollow Knight?
The Void Heart can have a huge impact on your game. The Void Heart will have the following effects;
- Unlocks 4 endings.
- Prevents the non-Void Heart ending for the save file.
- Renders the Siblings, Void Tendrils, and Shade passive.
- Allows access to the Radiance.
- Allows access to the Pantheon of Hallownest.
- Unlocks new interactions with certain NPCs.
In conclusion, getting the void heart can be time taking, but it is totally worth it. The Void Heart can have several effects on your gameplay too. You must keep in mind that you have to get Kingsoul to get Void Heart, as Kingsoul opens the secret area in the Abyss, at the end of which you will see an egg, and then the Kingsoul will get converted into the Void Heart.