Persona 5 Royal is a JRPG game developed by Atlus. The first original version of this game, titled as just Persona 5, was released back in 2017. The new polished and revised version with “Royal” in its title was recently released on every major platform in October 2022.
The Persona series has always been praised for its stylish adventure and overall gameplay, and Persona 5 Royal is no exception.
You can rest assured that Persona 5 is a fantastic game to play. With its unique cast of characters, lively world, thriller and suspense, it is a joy to experience. It is definitely an amazing role-playing game experience. The story is engaging and most of the characters are fun with colorful personalities to match. The battle system can be deeply engaging and almost a puzzle to figure out how to navigate.
In this article, we will go through what makes Persona 5 Royal a unique and amazing experience. We will also go through some of its major gameplay and story aspects without any spoilers. So make sure to keep on reading!
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What Kind Of Game Is Persona 5 Royal?

Persona 5 is a massive, gorgeous JRPG with well over 100 hours of gameplay for completionists, achievement hunters and patient players.
It definitely stands as the strongest Persona entry to date as it comes out as an extraordinary, memorable experience and easily one of the deepest and most fleshed out JRPGs of the last decade.
WIth the release of Persona 5 Royal, everything in the original game has been amped up, refined and polished to make it an even more enjoyable experience than it already was.
Its sprawling dungeon design and stylish, fully realized and lively world are an absolute joy to explore. This game has set a gold standard for all the JRPGS to date.
What Is The Plot Of Persona 5 Royal?

You take on the role of a young Japanese boy who is wrongly accused of a crime and receives a criminal record. You make friends with other kids who have also been mistreated by evil adults, learn how to force them to repent of their crimes by slaying monsters, and then go out to try to save the world.
You spend half of your time in the real world working part-time jobs, studying for exams, and making friends, and the other half fighting monsters, stealing treasure, and persuading other teens and strange creatures to fight alongside you.
Persona 5 Royal’s story is a great one that will resonate with anyone who remembers being a misunderstood teen. The characters in the game and your conversations and interactions with them will always be a joy that no other JRPG comes near to delivering, to the audience.
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What’s The Gameplay Like In Persona 5 Royal?

Like any other JRPG, Persona 5 Royal possesses a standard JRPG like gameplay with a few additional changes. Having a standard JRPG gameplay means it will have standard JRPG bits like a turn-based combat system, quests style and more.
What really separates Persona 5 Royal from any other JRPG is the way it handles these standard JRPG gameplay mechanics.
1. Combat
Persona 5 Royal’s combat system is neither too complex nor too simple. It is just complex enough that anyone can overcome the most difficult battles in ever stylish ways.
Also, it’s a JRPG with party members to manage and a vast array of stat-boosting equipment to equip them with. You also have many Persona series special gimmicks like the Fusion system, in which you can fuse ghosts together (like Pokemon).
You can grind a demonic underground for loot, purging people of the darkness they hold within, stock up on healing potions, and then tackle a dungeon to change the course of events in the real world.
2. Passing Of Time
Persona 5 Royal has a “days” system rather than the traditional JRPG progression formula. The way traditional video game elements are intertwined with the passage of time is another thing that makes Persona 5 so memorable.
Your journey isn’t a train ride that takes you to a variety of locations over an unspecified period of time. Your progression is divided into days where you must prioritize your to-do list.
You can do what you like in any order you want. You can decide whether it’s going into town to buy a gift for a friend or studying hard for those upcoming exams, you are free to choose how you spend your day.
What Makes Persona 5 Royal So Good?

What makes Persona 5 Royal so great is how spending time and getting to know characters is directly tied to the progression of the game.
Of course, the game has many other mechanics and things that make it great but this is one of the things that stand out the most to people who play this game. This is also one of the reasons why new JRPG players absolutely adore Persona series.
For example, You can meet a teacher who is secretly a maid. You can also go meet and befriend a drunk reporter who is always at a bar. This fun cast of characters is one of the major aspects of Persona 5 Royal, as meeting not only forms your connections but also gives you Passive Stats.
Spending time with Ann at the mall or Makoto at the library not only contributes to the metagame, where you’ll develop stronger bonds for stronger buffs, but also to your own connection to these characters.
They truly become a circle of friends for whom you are grateful – which may sound overly sentimental, but it is true!
To play Persona 5 is to be rewarded for simply spending time with an eclectic cast of misfits, such as the brash Ryuji, who frequently exclaims “For Real?!?” or the quiet Haru, who enjoys tending to flowers, or the Royal newcomer Hifumi, a diligent gymnast.
The game has an adorable, sometimes annoying and a very fun cast of characters, so spending time with them makes it all worthwhile and fun.
You start getting to know these people and feel like real friends with them, that’s how great the writing and development of the characters in Persona 5 Royal is. This, and all the other great gameplay factors in this game combined make it a wonderful and memorable experience.
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Persona 5 Royal is an absolute joy to experience. With its cast of well-written characters, cool gameplay mechanics and lively world, it is sure to suck you in. Whether you like JRPGs or not, you should absolutely give this game a try!