There are rarely any characters in games that are loved by fans. Every time a game releases a new character, it is hated by the fans for many reasons. It can be because the character is overpowered or super weak, making it frustrating to play.
However, in the case of Loba, Apex Legends hit a home run on the day of release. Ever since the Legend has been released, she has been unanimously loved by fans and critics alike.
Loba is a support Legend who was introduced in Season 5. Her entire gameplay revolves around helping and enabling her teammates. Since her release, Loba has constantly had a high pick rate and is also popular on the pro circuit of Apex Legends. Even in season 16, years after her release, she is still a top-10 Legend in the game.
However, most players are still not sure if Loba is on the same level as other support Legends like Lifeline and Gibraltar. This raises the question of whether Loba is Good in Apex Legends or not.
The answer to that question can vary based on your experience with the Legend and how you play her in the game. However, there is a more definitive answer to that question. If you are looking for that answer, you have come to the right place.
Yes, Loba is one of the best support Legends in the game. Her abilities and potential to help her teammates make her a better support Legend than Lifeline and Gibraltar. She can help her teammates initiate a fight or escape a sticky situation.
Her abilities also allow her to provide her teammates with rare and legendary loot that can have a massive impact on a game.
Her playstyle also has great synergy with Legends like Bloodhound, Valkryie, and Seer. She can provide offensive and utility Legends with amazing items that can help them to push and engage the enemies and take them out.
If you pair this with the character loadout and playstyle, you can end up with a Legend who can have a massive impact on any game.
We suggest you keep reading if you want a more in-depth analysis of the Legend. We will talk about Loba and her abilities in detail. We will also look at the different gameplay tips you can implement to improve your gameplay while playing her. So, without further ado, let us jump right in.
Also Read: Is Seer OP In Apex Legends?

Loba, the Translocating Thief, is a support Legend associated with the Support class. She was introduced in Season 5 and was unlockable with 12,000 Legend Tokens or 750 Apex Coins. Loba’s entire gameplay revolves around finding and providing her teammates with loot. She has a pick rate of 4.4%, making her a top-10 pick in Apex Legends.
Her abilities help her be a valuable asset in any team she is a part of. She can help her team initiate against enemies or escape difficult situations or different areas of the map. She is also extremely easy to learn and master which is why she is most played in the lower and mid-level ranks.
Because of her simple gameplay, you can pick do well in a game with her even without help from your teammates.
She is also capable of having an impact at all stages of the game. Her abilities make her one of the most versatile and complete Legends in Apex. Speaking of which, let’s take a closer look at her abilities.
Eye for Quality – Passive Ability
Loba’s passive ability allows her to locate Epic and Legendary loot for up to a 112-meter range. Once she has located these items, she can also ping them to her teammates. This ability makes her a great scout for her team, and she can provide them amazing loot in the early as well as the end game.
It can also be a great tool for monitoring enemy positioning.
If you are entering an area without any loot, it is safe to assume that your enemies have already been there. It can also be a great tool when you are trying to contest drops. You can see the loot coming and instruct your team on whether it is worth contesting.
Eye for Quality also allows Loba to scout the contents of unopened loot boxes.
Burglar’s Best Friend – Tactical Ability
When activated, Loba’s tactical ability allows her to teleport to areas of the map that are not easily accessible. It also allows her to get out of difficult situations and get to safety. She does this by throwing her Bracelet in the air and then teleporting to its location.
She can use her tactical to travel 71 meters in normal situations and 100 meters if she is standing on high ground.
This ability only has a cooldown of 30 seconds which means that you can spam it to cover large areas of the map quickly. However, once the bracelet is in the air, Loba cannot cancel it and will end up in the location where the bracelet lands. So, you need to 100% about the location you want to get to before you throw the bracelet.
An important thing to keep in mind about this ability is that you cannot use your weapons once the animation starts. Furthermore, you can also throw the bracelet through windows and other small openings to get Loba there without any problems.
Black Market Boutique – Ultimate Ability
Loba’s ultimate allows her to place a portable device on the ground. Once the device is placed, it pulls all the nearby loot to it. This loot can be used by Loba, her teammates, and her enemies.
An important thing to keep in mind is that once the device pulls the loot, everyone can take two items from it. After placing the device, it takes 4.5 seconds for it to pull the loot and become accessible to everyone. The ability has a recharge time of 2 minutes.
Loba’s ultimate is capable of looting items up to 112 meters which is also the range of her passive ability. The ability might have a 2-item limit, but that is not the case with ammo. You can grab as much ammo as you can based on your inventory.
This ability works perfectly well with Legends like Fuse and Wattson who can stack multiple items. You can use the ultimate tactically to starve your enemies by taking all available ammo in a specific location.
Tips to Play a Better Loba

There are a variety of things that you can do differently while playing Loba to improve your gameplay. These tips range from better positioning to properly timing your abilities depending on different situations.
Following these tips will help you better understand the Legend and your role in the game while playing it. All of this will improve your chances of winning games and rank using Loba. These tips include;
1. Using Eye for Quality as a Scouting Tool
Loba’s passive allows her to view loot for up to 112.5 meters. This can be a great tool for scouting enemies and mapping their movements at any given time. If a piece of loot suddenly disappears from the map, you can deduce that there are currently present in that area.
Similarly, if you are about to enter an area and notice that all the loot is missing, this will indicate that enemies just passed through this area. Although this doesn’t directly tell you the enemy’s location, this small information can make all the difference in the world in tight situations.
Additionally, if you pair this ability with trackers like Seer or Bloodhound, you can have a vision on the enemies for the entirety of the game.
2. Pair your Passive and Tactical to Steal Loot
Your tactical ability allows you to get in and out of different areas of the map. Using your bracelet, you can quickly move to a location and escape before your enemies even realize what is happening.
You can perfectly pair this tactical ability with your passive. If you locate some great loot on the map, you can get to it before your enemies using your bracelet.
The bracelet allows you to cover large distances in a short period. This can come in handy to steal loot from an enemy. You can teleport to Epic or Legendary loot and get them for yourself or your teammate before the enemy notices what is happening.
3. Use your Tactical to Reposition and Get Out of Tough Situations
Most new players make the mistake of using Loba’s tactical purely as an offensive tool. This strategy can work sometimes, but it will mostly end up getting you killed. If you dive into a fight without your team and any vision, your survival chances are slim to none.
That is why it is often beneficial to use Loba’s bracelet as a defensive or repositioning tool. If you get into a bad situation where you are surrounded by enemies that are closing in, you can use the bracelet to out of that area and get some distance between yourself and the enemies.
Similarly, you can use the bracelet to reach a better vantage point to scout your enemies. This can be beneficial as you can get to any location in almost no time and inform your team about the enemy’s whereabouts.
4. Spam your Ultimate as much as Possible
Loba’s ultimate has a two-minute cooldown. This makes it a spam-able ability, especially in the game’s late stages. Your ultimate can proud your teammates with the necessary that can prove to be highly consequential in the late stages of the game.
Having the right loot can take you from a down-and-out situation to a point where you can take out all enemies and secure a victory.
So, you must use your Black Market Boutique as much as possible to ensure that your team always has the best possible items.
5. Use your Ultimate to Deny Enemies the Loot
When you activate the Black Market Boutique, it pulls all the loot in a 112.5-meter range to it. This can be a great tool to deny particular loot to your enemies. Although the enemies can still get it if they can get to your ultimate, it will be much more difficult for them. It also you and your teammates ample time to get this loot for yourselves before the enemies can even get close to it.
Due to your ultimate’s low cooldown, you can implement this strategy in the early and late games multiple times. So, you can keep denying them the good loot for the entirety of the game.
6. Location Matters while Using your Ultimate
You need to be mindful of your location when using your ultimate ability. The Black Market Boutique, when activated, can alert enemies about your current location. So, you need to make sure that you have allies near you when you are using the ability.
You can also avoid getting targeted by enemies using your ultimate by positioning it in a safe area. You can reach high ground or a safe location using your tactical and then deploy your ultimate to ensure that enemies cannot get near it.
7. Teamwork is Important While Playing Loba
You need to keep your teammates in mind when you are playing Loba. Your entire job while playing the Legend is to buff your teammates. So, whenever you pull good loot, you need to inform your team about it.
Similarly, if you are playing as a scout in the game, you need to alert your teammates if you suspect enemies nearby.
So, teamwork is the most important thing when you are playing Loba. Whenever you use an ability, you must ensure that you have teammates nearby who can take advantage of it. This will significantly improve your chances of winning every single game.
Best Loadouts for Loba

Loba is very versatile when it comes to a weapon loadout. Her abilities ensure that you can get any weapon in the game. So, your weapon ultimately comes down to your positioning and the role you want to play in the game.
If you are looking to play aggressively and want to rush into team fights, then you cannot go wrong with either an EVA-8 or a Mastiff shotgun. These weapons can help you can use your tactical as an aggressive ability and get close to the enemies and take them out.
If you are looking to play at mid-range then the R-99 is the best weapon for you. The R-99 is one of the best SMGs and is capable of dealing a great deal of damage at a rapid pace due to its high fire rate.
Lastly, if you are focusing on long-range combat, then a sniper rifle like the Longbow might be the best option. You can use your tactical ability to get to a great sniping location on the map. Once you are there, you can use the rifle to take the enemies out from afar without them even realizing what happened.
Ideal Legend Pairings for Loba

Loba’s abilities make her a great ally in every situation. She can work well with almost every single Legend in the game. Her abilities mesh well with Seer and Bloodhound because of their ability to track enemies.
If you pair that up with Loba’s passive, you can have a constant vision of every enemy. You can tell where the enemies are headed and what loot they have picked up and strategize according to it.
She is also great with Valkryie because both of these Legends can traverse the map quickly. You can cover large areas of the map in a short period and scout out the enemies using a combination of Valkryrie and Loba.
Loba would also work well with Gibraltar simply because of his defensive abilities. He can protect Loba’s Black Market Boutique as she puts it down and uses it to get loot for her teammates.
Loba is great with pairs well with Fuse and Wattson because of their ability to stack multiple items in their inventory using Loba’s ultimate.
Legends that Counter Loba

As mentioned before, Loba has a simple set of abilities and an easy-to-learn playstyle. This makes her an easily countable Legend if you know what you are doing. Loba can be neutralized using Octane.
Octane has great speed and maneuverability which comes in handy while chasing down Legends. He can easily catch a Loba that is escaping using her bracelet and take her out.
The same can be said about Pathfinder and his ultimate. He can easily close down the gap between himself and Loba and get in front of her. Loba does not have any defensive abilities to protect herself. So, she is an easy target for Pathfinder.
Lastly, Loba’s bracelet and Black Market Boutique can be countered by Wraith. Wraith can use her Dimensional Rift to get behind enemies and attack them.
This can also work very well against Loba. Wraith can get behind Loba when she is using her ultimate or her bracelet. Once she gets there, she can easily take out Loba and steal the loot.
Legends Countered by Loba

Loba can counter portal Legends like Wraith and Ash if you place her ultimate in the right place at the right time. Loba’s Black Market Boutique can destroy any portal if placed correctly. To cancel a portal, you simply place the Black Market Boutique on top of the portal.
This makes her a great counter to both Wraith and Ash.
Ideal Role for Loba

Loba is at her best if she is used as a scout or to buff her teammates. She can use her passive and tactical to scout enemies and predict their location on the map. Her bracelet allows her to jump to different locations.
This can be used as a scouting tool to see where the enemies are headed on the map. Similarly, her passive can check if someone has picked up loot from a specific map area. These tools are perfect for scouting enemies and their movements on the map.
Loba can also play the role of a loot provider for her teammates. Her passive and ultimate focus is finding and gathering the best loot on the map. She can find all the Epic and Legendary loot in an area and then gather it using her ultimate. She can then give get this loot to her teammates and prepare them for incoming team fights.
Is Loba Actually Good?

Yes, Loba is one of the best support Legends in the game. She can enable her teammates by providing them with fantastic loot at all game stages. She can also use her abilities to deny loot to her enemies and ensure they don’t get anything good. This makes her an excellent and essential tool for any team she is a part of.
She can also play the role of a scout and predict enemy movements on the map. Her passive allows her to see all loot within a radius, and if anything gets picked up, she will know right away.
Additionally, if you pair her with the right Legends, you can have a complete vision of the map and tell where the enemies are. This can help you strategize and plan your next move. All of this makes her a really strong Legend.
This concludes our guide on Loba and whether she is a good Legend. In this guide, we have discussed the Legend and all the abilities she brings to the table in great detail. We have also discussed tips and techniques you can implement to improve your gameplay while playing her.
We then looked at the best weapon loadout for the Loba in different situations and your role in the game. We also discussed the ideal Legend pairings you can wear while playing Loba. Lastly, we discussed the different Legends that counter her and are countered by her and her ideal role in a game.
We hope this guide helps you answer whether Loba is a good Legend or not. Let us know what you think about the guide in the comments below. Your feedback is always valued and appreciated. Till next time, good luck and have fun!