Whenever a new character is introduced, players tend to flock around it. Every player wants to try the new character as soon as possible. Playing the new character can greatly indicate where the game’s meta is headed next.
It can also be fun to play a new character because it is extremely overpowered most of the time upon release. Throughout the history of Apex Legends, 16 new Legends have been released in the game as Seasons. However, out of all these Legends, none of them had the same impact as Seer.
Seer was introduced to Apex Legends in the Season 10 update. His abilities and overall gameplay make him one of the best Recon Legends. You could not play a game without Seer in the early days of his release.
This sparked a debate among players, and the question was asked is Seer OP in Apex Legends? The answer may vary based on your experience with the Legend and how you play him. However, if we examine the Legend, there is a more definitive answer. So, let us take a look at Seer and determine whether he is OP or not.
Seer can be considered an OP Legend because of his skill set and potential impact on every game he is a part of. He is arguably the best Recon Legend in the game and is an excellent Legend to play and master if you are a fan of the role. His abilities allow him to track enemies and provide information about their every single move. He can majorly impact any game he is a part of and single-handedly lead his team to victory.
Because of his upside and potential to impact every game, Seer has great synergy with every aggressive Legend. You can provide your team with the info, and they can use it to jump on and take out all enemies in the game. So, if you choose the right weapons and pair him with the right Legends, you can create a team that will have the potential to win every single game.
If you want to know more about the Legend, we suggest you keep reading. We will look at Seer and his abilities and how you can master his gameplay and lead your team to victory. So, without any further delays, let us jump right in!

Seer, the Ambush Artist, is a Recon Legend associated with the Recon Class. He was introduced in Season 10 of Apex Legends and was unlockable by using 12,000 Legend Tokens or 750 Apex Coins.
Seer is considered by many as one of the most complete Legends in the game. His abilities allow him to be a constant presence on the map. All of his abilities are geared towards tracking the enemies and monitoring their every single move.
He can then provide this information to his teammates and devise a strategy to attack the enemies. His abilities can have both a defensive and offensive impact on the game. You can use his abilities as an initiation tool. Seer can provide you with the location of all enemies, and you can use that to plan an attack on them. Conversely, he can also scout out incoming attacks from enemies and warn his teammates about them.
This not only makes him a complete Legend but also one of the best in all stages of the game. His abilities are beneficial to his team in the early game as well as the late game. Speaking of which, let us take a look at his abilities;
Heart Seeker – Passive Ability
This is one of the best passive abilities in Apex Legends and defines what type of Legend Seer is. The Heart Seeker allows Seer to hear and visualize the enemies in the cone in front of him in a 75-meter range.
It will also indicate how many enemies are within Seer’s range with the help of arrows. It also tells you the direction in which the enemies are headed and if they are above or below you.
This information is conveyed to the player with the help of a circle on the map. It will use an orange or a blue mark to show enemies. If the mark is orange, it means that there are enemies within the 75m radius and if it is blue, it means that there are enemies outside the 75m visual range.
It will also tell about the enemies in your area with the help of an audio queue. The sound gets louder as you get closer to the enemy. The sound also gets faster if an enemy has low health. Once you have this information, you can convey it to your teammates and warn them about incoming enemies. His passive ability works in tandem with his tactical Focus of Attention.
Focus of Attention – Tactical Ability
When activated, the ability produces a wave of micro-drones that travel in the direction Seer is looking at. These drones travel in the direction Seer is looking at and move in the form of a tunnel that has a range of 75m the same as his passive.
It only has a 30-second cooldown, so you can use it repeatedly to reveal the enemy’s position on the map.
Enemies hit by these drones will be highlighted on the map and can be seen by all your teammates. The ability will also reveal information like their health bars for 8 seconds, which can help you decide whether you can take them out.
Additionally, it also applies a 1.25-second silence to all enemies that are by it. These enemies will not be able to use any abilities, and their existing channeled abilities will also get canceled. It will also cancel any other channeled actions like healing items and revives. All these perks make it an extremely powerful ability that can be spammed.
Exhibit – Ultimate Ability
Seer’s ability creates a 65-meter sphere in a specific location. Enemies walking, firing weapons, or sprinting in this sphere will be tracked with a marker. However, enemies that are airborne, crouching, or stationary will not be revealed.
The ability lasts for 25 seconds and the device used to channel the ability has 100HP and can be taken out. A diamond or a square marker will track enemies inside the sphere.
Exhibit also has a 180-second cooldown, so you must be careful when and how you use it. It can be a great scouting tool in the mid to late game and it can be destroyed, so you need to be careful about where and how you use it.
Tips to Play a Better Seer

There are a plethora of things you can do differently while you are playing Seer to improve your gameplay. These tips can range from your positioning on the map to when and how you need to deploy your abilities to get the most out of them.
Following these tips will improve your gameplay and ensure that you can win games and gain rank using Seer. These tips include;
1. Positioning is Key with Heart Seeker
As Seer, your primary job is to scope out enemies and monitor their position. Your passive ability severely helps you out with that by providing you with audio and visual queues about the enemy location. However, most new players get a little carried away with these abilities and move far away from their team.
This leaves them open to dying or getting into uncomfortable situations. So, you need to ensure that you always stick close to your allies. If you are sticking close to your teammates, you will always have a backup if you get into offensive situations.
2. Remain in contact with your Team at all Times
When you are playing Seer, you must provide your team with information regarding the enemies. Your passive ability acts like a beacon that can track the location of all enemies in your line of site.
Once you have this info, make sure that you relay it to your teammates at all times. This not only helps you keep your teammates safe but will also allow you to plan and make offensive moves.
Proper scouting is the key difference between a good and a great Seeker player. So, you need to constantly keep your teammates in the loop about the activity on the map.
3. Make Use of your Tactical’s Low Cooldown
Focus of Attention is one of the best and most powerful abilities in Apex Legends. It provides a long list of benefits and information on a very short cooldown. So, you must take full advantage of this short cooldown.
Try to spam the ability as much as possible. It is amazing in all game stages and can be used to neutralize your enemy and stop them from using any abilities. So, you must make full use of this ability whenever possible
4. Focus of Attraction can Shut Down Enemy Defenses
Focus of attraction can be used to disable enemies using a revive or healing ability. It can be a great tool to completely shut down your enemies when they are retreating or trying to use defensive abilities. In addition to this, Focus of Attraction silences enemies and stops them from using any ability.
So, it is a great tool to stop your enemies from making a defensive move or trying to heal after getting hit during a fight. It can also interrupt abilities like Wraith’s Into the Void, Pathfinder’s Grappling Hook, and Valkriye’s VTOL Jets, just to name a few.
Canceling these abilities stops the enemies from running and gives you the upper hand in the fight.
5. Be Mindful of Exhibit’s Limitations
Exhibit is a great and versatile ultimate ability that can be used to track enemies. It creates a sphere that can help you track enemies above and below you. This is especially beneficial if you are in a building and you can track enemies across multiple levels.
However, the ability also has its fair share of weaknesses. For instance, it only has 100HP and can easily be destroyed if enemies manage to get close to it. Additionally, if an enemy is crouching or stationary, the ability will not track them. This creates an opportunity for enemies to exploit your ability.
So, when you are playing Seer, you must keep all these limitations in mind when using the ability. You must also be ready for an attack from enemies as they will try to destroy your ultimate as soon as possible.
Best Loadouts for Seer

Seer’s gameplay revolves around stealth and tracking and providing information regarding enemies. He does not always need to be in the thick of the action and can play from mid-range. For this purpose, weapons like G-7 Scout, the Bocek Compound Bow, the Rampage, and the 30-30 Repeater are great choices.
All of these weapons provide you with range, damage, and accuracy, which can give you the capability of taking out the enemies yourself after tracking them down. You can also use these weapons to play the role of a semi-support and provide covering fire for your teammates as they push the enemies.
Ideal Legend Pairings for Seer

There are a plethora of Legends that benefit from playing Seer but non of them come close to Bloodhound. Bloodhound and Seer is a classic combo that can track the enemy’s every single movement. Bloodhound can use his abilities to find out the general location of enemies. Afterward, Seer can figure out the enemy’s exact location.
Next up is Bangalore. You can use the Bangalore and Seer pairing to blind the enemies and then track and take them out. Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher can blind enemies in a specific area. Afterward, Seer can go in and use his abilities to provide a vision of the enemies to his teammates and take them out before they even realize what is happening.
Seer’s abilities can also silence enemies and prevent them from using their abilities. This can provide a great window for Legends like Wraith, Octane, and Pathfinder to pounce on the enemies and kill them.
Legends that Counter Seer

Because of his simple and predictable gameplay, Seer can be countered by various Legends. Mirage is one of the biggest counters to Seer in the game. He can use his clones to trick you and your teammates and force you to make mistakes.
Mirage can send his clone into Exhibit, trick you into thinking it’s the real deal, and then ambush you from behind.
Other Legends like Wraith, Caustic, and Revenant can also counter Seer. Revenant can use his Death Totem, walk into Exhibit, target Seer, and then get back to his Totem without an issue. Similarly, Wraith can avoid being detected by Seer altogether by using Into the Void.
She can use this ability to get close to Seer and kill him.
Legends that Get Countered by Seer

Seer’s ability to scout out the enemy’s positioning and movements can help him counter a majority of Legends. Seer’s tactical ability can help him counter Octane. Using his tactical ability, Seer can reveal Octane’s movement trail, making it easy to track and predict his future movements. Similarly, he can reveal Bangalore through her smoke and destroy the cover she is trying to create.
Seer’s passive and ultimate completely neutralize Bloodhound. His abilities can counter Bloodhound before he can even think about tracking your allies. Lastly, Seer’s tactical ability can detect Wattson’s fences, making it easier to avoid them and target her.
Is Seer OP in Apex Legends?

Yes, Seer is still one of the most overpowered Legends in the game. His abilities allow him to track the enemy’s every single movement and then provide this information to his team. He is the perfect scout and the most powerful Recon Legend in the game.
His abilities allow him to track enemies from a large distance and this can be a great tool for both defensive and offensive gameplay.
You can also use his abilities to silence the enemies and stop them from using their abilities. He can cancel the defensive items they are using and completely immobilize them. This makes them an easy target for your teammates. All of this makes him one of the best Legends in the game.
This concludes our guide on Seer where we tried to determine whether he is an OP Legend. In this guide, we discussed the Legend and all his abilities in detail. We also looked at the different strategies and tips that you can implement in a game to improve your gameplay as the Legend significantly.
We then discussed the best weapons to equip on the Legend and when and how to use them to get the upper hand on your enemies. After that, we discussed the best Legend pairings with Seer and what Legends he counters and gets countered by in a game.
We hope that this guide helped you determine whether Seer is OP in Apex Legends or not. Let us know what you thought about the guide in the comments below. Your feedback is always highly valued and appreciated. Till next time, good luck and have fun!