Earning money from crops and animals is one of the vital methods of progressing through games like Stardew Valley. Animals in Stardew Valley play an essential role throughout the game. They require you to feed them and let them outside so they can have some fun. Now, if you let your animals out, you might be questioning how I get them back in.
Animals outside the Barn In Stardew Valley will automatically get back in at around 6 p.m. You will need to keep your Barn door open, so none of the animals get trapped outside. If you close the Barn door, the animals will get trapped outside and be vulnerable to wild animals attacking them.
In this article, we will go through the steps on how to bring barn animals back in and why it is needed to get them outside.
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How Do I Keep My Animals From Wandering Around?

You can buy a coop or Barn in Stardew Valley to keep your animals from wandering around.
In Stardew Valley, the barn typically takes around three in-game days to be constructed, and during this time, the player won’t be able to contact Robin for dialogue and gifting. Having a barn means you have animals to keep in that barn!
The barn houses various animals: cows, goats, sheep, pigs, and ostriches. Once you’ve unlocked an animal by constructing the required barn, you can place your animal in any other non-upgraded barns you’ve constructed.
On the other hand, a coop is an agricultural structure that houses various types of chickens, ducks, rabbits, and dinosaurs. It has various variants, just like a standard barn. By requesting and paying for Robin’s services, you can obtain them.
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Why Do They Go Outside Anyway?

Allowing your barn animals to be outside will improve their mood—just because you don’t touch grass doesn’t mean your animals don’t need to!
Of course, besides that, there are many benefits to letting your barn animals outside! If they can get to the fresh grass growing on the farm while outside, barn animals will eat it. If they eat the grass, they won’t eat hay from your stash because this will count as their daily portion.
However, if the grass is within the animals’ reach, this doesn’t guarantee they’ll find and eat it; if they don’t, they’ll eat hay instead. On top of that, allowing your animals to eat fresh grass (given they can reach it) automatically gives them the best mood possible (being “very happy today!”).
Players should remember that their animals don’t leave the barn, even if the door is open, under certain circumstances:
- if it’s winter
- if it’s stormy, snowing, or raining
- if it’s after 6 p.m.
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How Do I Get Them Back In The Barn?

Don’t worry about your animals not coming back in after you let them out! Animals will automatically return to their designated barn around 6 p.m. and go to sleep. Closing the barn doors again in the evening stops them from leaving immediately in the morning to eat grass before the player has time to interact with them the next day.
If you’re using an Auto-Grabber, it’ll do that step for you.
However, if a barn door is closed before all the animals have gone inside for the evening, the ones still outside will be trapped. The animals will even stay out in the rain if it rains the next day. No matter the conditions, their mood would be grumpy the next day if they were trapped outside (not that you can blame them).
Wild animals may attack barn animals if they are left out at night.
There’s a 50% chance of a wild animal attack occurring if some animals are left outside. Any animals attacked are removed from the farm, and the other animals in their home barn will be in a bad mood, with a message that the animals “look stressed and paranoid today.”
“It seems like something bad happened last night.”
From this article, we can conclude that getting your animals to move back into the farm is simple, just have a little patience, and they should return at around 6 p.m.
Make sure all your animals are in the barn when it’s time, though, or they could be trapped and end up in a bad mood tomorrow, or worse, not be there! Take care of your animals, and enjoy!