Furi is like a boss rush game; the game’s presentation won fans’ hearts—Furi’s mix of twin-stick shooting and swordplay. The game throws you into a world of ruthless and prominent bosses to fight with.
You are armed with a sword and an energy pistol with skills for dodging to fight against multiple health bars bosses while you only have one. Some bosses turn invisible, bosses that generate protective barriers around themselves.
Most areas you will fight in are some circles, with some exceptions of unique places for your ultimate showdowns. There are exciting landscapes to explore and memories to make. Furi is a gorgeous game upgrading itself from one scene to another.
There are ten bosses in Furi: the Beat, the Chain, the Hand, the Line, the Strap, the Scale, the Song, the Burst, the Star, and lastly, the Edge. No way these bosses feel identical or repetitive.
The 10 Bosses In Fury

These are the only ten bosses in the game that players can battle, and the bosses are not ranked at all. As you go on about fighting these bosses, you find newer & newer moves to apply and discover. So let’s dive into who and what the bosses do in Fury.
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1. The Beat
The Beat is the easiest boss in the game, and players expect something from it. You fight the boss in a snowy environment, and this boss is a disappointment. To defeat her, you must jump on the platforms, get to her, and avoid what’s coming your way.
This boss can easily defeat you even if you are an average player. The worst that could happen is you die, but the game spawns you back where you died so that it won’t throw you at the start.
2. The Chain

The Chain is more like a boss’s tutorial to help you get started after beating the Beat. Consider Chain as an advancement to progress once you learn his moves and focus on the gameplay, and then the boss is easier to defeat.
Like with any boss, there are phases for the fight, and for Chain, the phases get more challenging as you go on about them. You are safer in this fight if you can dodge the Chain’s attacks.
When you finally get in the close-quarters with him, even then, there’s nothing to worry about since dodging is enough. There is a move where he throws his sword at you as an attack, and moving on either side will prevent it from hitting you.
The only new thing in his final phase is an attack like circular balls. Chain is an excellent introduction to the game and isn’t complicated.
3. The Hand
Hand resembles its name as it primarily uses its Shield. The Hand always has his Shield up, and if you hit or charge your weapon, the shot will rebound and hit you back, more likely kill you. To beat this boss, you must create an opening and rely on your weapons, and parring is the best for this guy.
There isn’t something special about this boss besides his rebounding Shield or green attacks. In his last phase, he starts to follow you around, and you must wait for the right time for your countermeasure.
4. The Line

The Line is the third boss in the game, and this is where your journey starts. Players have problems with this guy because the jump action from linear to challenging is significant. Players fighting this boss were only knowledgeable for two main parts dodging and parrying, but this boss introduces other aspects.
For the Line, you cannot rely on simple parrying or dodging. To even face him, you must observe your fight with him, apply tactics, strategize, and then act.
The Line has green colored boxes around him, which backfires your shots at you, and other stuff to worry about makes it overwhelming.
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5. The Strap
The Strap comprises challenges with many players, especially with its laser at the end. Some players claim that the boss is glitchy because upon dodging its laser, you still get hit. The easiest way to get around her laser is to stick to the right and dodge.
This way, you won’t have that much difficulty facing her. In general, the Strap has a ton of close quarters where you have to focus on evading more than dodging. If you keep dodging while fighting her, the outcome is different.
6. The Scale

The Scale is your strongest boss compared to the other five. He puts out a challenge others couldn’t outcompete if partied together. His fight’s most frustrating part is the last phase.
After some time, he starts duplicating himself: He simultaneously puts out six copies of himself using the same attacks and damaging you from six sides. It becomes hard to defend yourself after a bit because dodging from here results in getting hit by the other side.
The only concerning part about his fight is his final phase, where he forms a circle around you, traps you in, and then releases various attacks, from fireballs to waves-like attacks. His final phase starts to downgrade the gameplay because of getting hit for no reason, and if this happened to you, it likely wasn’t your fault.
7. The Song
The Song is a discovery for players as she can fly and gives a challenge. You can’t fight in close quarters because she flies and stays where you can’t reach. You must use gun gameplay more than the sword to fight her and work on hitting her because that gets her down.
The good part about her being able to fly is after you get her down, there is no second health nor a close quarter to face with. Indeed it is hard to fight her because she comes with flying, and you have to make your shots count.
Her last phrase isn’t scary but filled with stuff, and being patient is the only way. You have to watch every bit of your step as you strike your way through her attacks. There are pillars around the circle, and you destroy them to continue.
8. The Burst

The Burst is the most fun and annoying boss out of all of them because of her unique mechanics. Not only do you have a humongous platform to fight on, but she uses a sniper rifle that is one shot, one kill, and she taunts you throughout the fight.
The Burst is very annoying because Burst hides from you. Upon finding her, she makes up walls, puts you in a corner, and sends her goons to hunt for you. Spotting her in her invisible mode is easy because you see the shots coming your way.
The Burst has the platforms in control and uses them to her advantage. She can make walls, and her robots have health, and you need to be good at evading to beat them.
9. The Edge
If any boss out there is even worse than Burst, that is this guy. The Edge is so painful and destructive that players hate it and won’t even consider fighting him. Luckily, Edge has no long phases, nor is his battle long.
The Edge doesn’t increase his difficulty gradually, but it is problematic from the start, and he absorbs your health upon every hit.
After some time, the Edge takes you to another battlefield where you can only move right or left, bringing the challenge higher. The Edge upgrades itself to a higher state by charging up, and he goes to his final stage.
10. The Star

The Star is the final boss, and it is so complicated that even combining Edge and Burst would be easier to beat than this behemoth of a creature. Your charged shots do no damage, and he is very slow to kill. He has many phases, and you need to work on solving them.
Furi is a challenging game itself, and he doubles that. Even on the game’s easiest difficulty, he is tough to beat. Some players have yet to beat this guy; he has lasers everywhere on the platforms.
The area is so minimal to fight on, which increases the difficulty. Overall, the Star is complex and a dream to defeat for many.
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Final Thoughts
There are numerous bosses to fight in Furi; undoubtedly, Furi is an excellent game to enjoy. Where Furi strikes is with its hooking presentation. Indeed, players agree that the visuals are not pleasing, but the game is still known. Dodge mechanics, parrying, and combat hunger are unimaginable for anyone.
There are two types of battles to appreciate and impressive boss abilities to discover throughout the game. Looking at Furi from its core, it doesn’t offer much except its boss battles, but diving deep will only make you realize why it gained popularity in its prime.