Atlus’s critically acclaimed role-playing game Persona 5 was the basis for Atlus’s development of the enhanced version of the game called Persona 5 Royal. The action game takes place in Tokyo in the present day, and it follows a group of high school students as they investigate a mysterious app that grants them access to a parallel universe referred to as the “Metaverse.” In this version of the world, they come together to form a gang known as the Phantom Thieves and put their efforts toward rehabilitating the morality of adults in charge of criminal enterprises.
In addition to all of this heavy subject matter, Persona 5 Royal places a significant focus on the mundane activities that these high school students participate in.
You have something like social stats that you need to level up to progress through the story and in your daily life. This is required in order for you to make progress. To improve these social stats, you will need to participate in a wide variety of activities that are available to you. These activities are distinct for each and every one of the available social stats (Knowledge, Kindness, Guts, Proficiency, and Charm). Certain activities may contribute to the enhancement of not one but two social stats simultaneously.
To raise your Knowledge score, one of the most important social stats in the game, you will need to put in some serious study time. There are a variety of classrooms available to you to study in Persona 5 Royal. Every one of those locations rewards you with a unique set of bonuses in addition to a specific number of points. However, in our opinion, the Family Diner is where one can study the most effective and amass the greatest number of points for Knowledge.
You gain +2 Knowledge points (or +3 if the weather is Rain), and depending on which side you order, you also gain an additional point in another social stat. If the weather is Rain, you gain an additional +3 Knowledge points.
In this article, we will go into detail about how you can go about studying in Persona 5 Royal, what the best way to study is, as well as what place is the most beneficial for studying as well as what place is the most beneficial for studying as well. Keep reading if you want to find out how to increase the number of points in your Knowledge social stats while spending the least time doing so, as we will be delving into specifics about that in the following paragraphs.
Related: Best Skills You Should Have In Persona 5 Royal
How To Study In Persona 5 Royal?

A few different approaches to studying are available to you in Persona 5 Royal. You can use one of the most widespread and basic methods available to you right now at Cafe Leblanc. You can start studying as soon as all the other patrons have left because you can simply go and sit down at the table then. While Joker is studying, you don’t need to do anything; all you have to do is wait for the cutscene to end.
The school library represents yet another important first step in the learning process. You are free to go to the library to study, but you should be aware that other students talking about your history might distract you from your work. This means that you will not gain very many points in your knowledge stat (only 1), but on the bright side, it will enable you to get an additional point for your Guts social stat.
In addition, Joker will occasionally study on the way to school, but this is only possible if you can secure a seat on the subway train and bring an unread book with you that you keep in your backpack. This method is not reliable, but it can come off as a random bonus you obtain while attending the school that provides you with an additional knowledge point. This is because this is not up to you but rather up to a completely random chance.
In short, the places that are available for you to study at are as follows:
- The school library allows you to study and allows you to gain +1 Knowledge point and +1 Guts point. You can study at the library without any cost, for free.
- Studying at Cafe Leblanc provides you with +2 Knowledge points and +3 points only when it is raining. You can study at Cafe Leblanc without any cost, for free.
- Studying with friends before an exam provides you with +3 Knowledge points, but it is only initiated by your friends, not you. You can do this activity for free.
- Studying at the family diner provides you with +2 Knowledge points, or +3 if it is raining, and +1 in another social stat, depending on what you order from the cafe. However, it is paid.
Below, we will go into detail about the best method and place for studying and why it is the best way.
What Is The Best Place To Study?

Taking into consideration all the different locations where one can study, we believe that the Family Diner is the most conducive environment to learning out of all of them. We will go over the reasons why this is the case.
As is common knowledge, a finite amount of time is available in the Persona series. In Persona 5 Royal, the situation is the same.
Within the allotted time, you are responsible for completing many activities, some of which have due dates. As a result, it is essential to keep track of the time and work on your social stats in such a way that it improves two social stats by performing a single activity. When you study at the Family Diner, you not only have the opportunity to always receive +2 points for your Knowledge stat but also to obtain an additional point for another social stat. This allows you to kill two birds with one stone.
It is entirely dependent on the side item that you order as to how many additional points you receive; additionally, it specifies which item will improve which social statistic (the hint is often in the name).
You get the most value for your time or, more accurately, your money if you do it this way. It is even better if it is raining because instead of the usual +2 points for your Knowledge stat, you will get +3 points instead. This is because Joker can concentrate more effectively when it is raining. Nevertheless, there is one obstacle in the way.
Spending money is necessary to put in work at Family Diner. This will not be much of an issue for those with a lot of spare cash, as they can simply ignore it. On the other hand, if you are the type of person who prefers to spend their money on things like items or vials rather than on things like cafes or other activities, you might not have a lot of extra cash.
Even though studying at the family diner is a very good option, a player might not want to do so for this reason, which is one of the reasons why. You can learn using any method you like, even if you do not have any spare cash.
It does not necessarily make a difference where you choose to study because all other methods, aside from eating at the family restaurant, almost offer the same points.
And there we have everything you need to know about studying and the best ways to do it in Persona 5 Royal! While we listed out the best method, you can still max out your social stats without stressing about the best ways or methods to study. The true fun of Persona 5 Royal is playing it without any stress because that is also what life is like! We hope that this article was able to clear out all your questions!