There has always been a debate about which Game is better, Sekiro or Elden Ring. From Software Inc. developed both games, and both of them are soul games. Elden Ring has been climbing the charts since 2023 started.
But Sekiro still needs to be included, as it’s a crowd-pleaser, too! Sekiro still offers much more realism than Elden Ring, which might seem like an aesthetic-looking game.
Sekiro has better combat than Elden Ring because it is a breath of fresh air for gamers. Elden Ring is your popular Souls borne game, but Sekiro focuses more on dodging.
Sekiro offers simple combat mechanics and creates a nostalgic Japanese aura which is hard for gamers who pay attention to detail.
A Comparison Of Combat: Sekiro Vs. Elden Ring
Elden Ring might initially seem like a million dollars, as everyone’s always talking about it in your Discord servers, but we shall recognize Sekiro here. Sekiro stands out due to its incredible aesthetics because you can experience exceptional samurai fights.
After checking out our comparison between Sekiro and Elden Ring, you will know where to shell out your money!
Difficulty Level

Sekiro is undoubtedly extremely difficult compared to Elden Ring. The Game offers only primary weapons if you want to take your left arm in the count. You may find a plot sword later on only if you can survive till then.
While Elden Ring has a range of weapons, fighting some godlike creatures can be challenging with a sword. That said, refrain from deceiving yourself into believing Sekiro may have some humanoid bosses to defeat.
They will still make you cry for help as you are fighting them, Sekiro vs Elden Ring one wrong deflects, and you are back to the start. Switching from either of the games is only sometimes the ideal choice to make.
Both games are different as Sekiro is more of a tactical game as compared to some average RPG walk-in slay and run.
Elden Ring comprises a similar gameplay. Overall, Sekiro is a more challenging game than Elden Ring. I strongly advise starting with Elden Ring.
Related: How Much Did Elden Ring Cost to Make?
The Boss Battles

Sekiro and Elden Ring both have mighty bosses. Players who have played both games have favorites from each one. In Sekiro, bosses are well-designed by the game directors compared to Elden Ring.
It is usually your mistake if you die from a boss in Sekiro. It’s more understandable where you messed up. Elden Ring is different as players can defeat the bosses in a particular way, commonly called cheeses. Because of this, after defeating a boss in Sekiro, you will know you did something exceptional.
As in Elden Ring, you mainly fight monsters and dragons in the Game, but Sekiro is different. You usually fight people rather than creatures. Just like “Genichiro” and “Ishin,” yes, there are some creatures, like “Guardian Ape,” and a lot more.

The Story
Sekiro and Elden Ring have proved themselves worthy of the title “Game of the Year.” Any game could have deserved to win this award. Elden Ring and Sekiro are good games because the same company developed them.
We suggest you play both if you need help deciding which. In a nutshell, Elden Ring is about godlike beings and godlike powers.
Sekiro is a bit different as our main character Wolf seeks revenge on a samurai clan for imprisoning him and kidnapping his Lord. It depends on which type of storyline you like better.
Both games are well-regarded so that you can go right with your choice.
The Landscape

Choosing the suitable Game to play is invariably a challenging task. Players take notice of tons of stuff to consider. One is the landscape, otherwise known as the world.
To compare the worlds of the Elden Ring or Sekiro, Elden Ring easily wins this.
Despite the world with deadly spiders, it is still a magnificent place. Not only in the Game, one region is a world of its own, but the enemies surrounding the place have a story to tell about the area you are exploring.
Nothing feels touched out in the massive world of the Sekiro vs Elden Ring.
Another reason Elden Ring gets a win in this matter is that you are becoming an Elden Lord, after all! You’ll feel included if you have an enchanting place.
Sekiro only has a little to offer compared to Elden Ring, except for the fountainhead, which is the only jaw-dropping moment you will witness if you haven’t previously played Elden Ring.
Related: Prophet vs. Astrologer in Elden Ring
The Difference of Map
If you are switching from Elden Ring to Sekiro, the one thing that will catch your eye is that there needs to be a map in Sekiro.
It is intentionally not included in the Game to increase its difficulty level. It also may be why many new players in soul games would rather play Elden Ring than Sekiro.
Which Game Has Better Combat? Elden Ring or Sekiro?
Sekiro is the combat winner when we make a comparison with Elden Ring. Sekiero may not offer a lot of arsenals to choose from.
But a sword in the hands of a mighty samurai is enough to slay his enemies. Gamers are always up for a challenge, and Sekiro delivers that even better than Elden Ring.
The boss fight of Sekiro is like never seen before. The combat mechanism of Sekiro is simple, as there exists a famous saying, “Out of clutter, find simplicity.”
Playing Sekiro requires skill. Even experienced soul game players had to learn the game mechanics. That is why Sekiro has better combat than Elden Ring.
Which Game Is More Beginner-Friendly?
Elden Ring is more beginner friendly than Sekiro. Sekiro is way more challenging and hard to play, as you only have a single sword as a weapon. Elden Ring offers a variety of weapons to choose from.
Elden Ring is the right pick for a new beginner in the souls’ games. The only problem you might face is that Elden Ring has more grind than Sekiro. Despite that, there are still some cheeses to trounce the bosses in the Game.
Sekiro does not offer that. It’s more linear than Elden Ring. Both games rely on evasion strategies, although one emphasizes deflection.
It is your decision which type of gamer you want to evolve into. Sekiro doesn’t even offer a map, so it may prove challenging to switch from games having a map to none.
So make your decision, but none of these games will make you regret your decision.
Related: Elden Ring – How to beat Tree Sentinel boss fight
Final Thoughts
Whether you decide to play Elden Ring to become the Elden lord or play Sekiro to be a samurai, without a doubt, these titles have proven themselves worthy of the Game of the Year award. Every Game has its fanbase.
Both Elden Ring and Sekiro have fans among gamers. Some people may even get to like both of them. You’re guaranteed to enjoy any game you pick!