Chihaya is said to be an optimistic, attractive woman whose luck is said to be unflappable. She has an extraordinary knack for accurately divining even the minutest of information, thus this is basically accurate. Having been brainwashed by the ADP, she now falsely informs her clients that they will receive bad news that can’t be reversed until they buy “Holy Stones,” that are mounds of rock salt.
Her sentiments begin to evolve as the main character and the Phantom Thieves of Hearts alter the destinies of other people. Though first annoyed and wary, she comes to see that this bodes well for a better future than she had anticipated. She has a propensity to return to her natural, country accent when she is agitated or emotionally disturbed enough.
On or around June 23rd, you may get started with Chihaya’s Confidant. Joker needs to see her twice; the first time is for a consultation, and the second is to really buy the Holy Stone. Your third visit here will trigger the Mementos Request “Ending the Boyfriend’s Abuse.” The Confidant may now proceed once this has been accomplished.
On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, you can go out with Chihaya. Outside of these hours, she is either not in her regular location or is unavailable to level up in the Confidant role. Even though Chihaya is temporarily unavailable for Confidant development, you can still schedule a reading with her. When the weather forecast calls for rain, she isn’t available. You may meet her in Shinjuku’s infamous adult entertainment district. In the post, we will go into depth about all of these alternatives and how you might go about dating her.
In this guide, we will go into detail about how you can go about dating Chihaya Mifune in Persona 5 Royal. We will go through step by step so that you have no difficulty in doing her romance route and you glide through everything with ease. If you are interested in all that, make sure to keep on reading!
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What Do You Need To Romance Chihaya Mifune In Persona 5 Royal?

There are a few steps and things you must do in order to date Chihaya Mifune in Persona 5 Royal. These steps are critical if you want to pursue romance with her, so make sure you follow them carefully and don’t skip any of them. To date Chihaya, you must do the following:
- Continue to play the game as you normally would up until the date of June 22.
- Meet Chihaya at Shinjuku at night (hangout spot).
- Save up some money since she needs it in order to move the relationship further (Important).
- Spend one hundred thousand yen to get the “Holy Stone” from her.
- It is requested that you accept and carry out the Mementos mission “Ending the Boyfriend’s Abuse.”
- After that, you will need to make frequent trips to Chihaya for verification examinations.
- Find some presents for Chihaya, and then hand them over to her.
- It is requested that you finish the Mementos quest “Debunking the Psychic.”
- Once you reach the Confidant Rank 9 and are presented with the choice, select the “So I Can Be With You” conversation option.
Below, we will go into detail about each of the steps listed above. By following all of the listed steps, you will actually cement your romance with Hifumi and she will become your girlfriend.
Dating Chihaya Mifune In Persona 5 Royal
Following are the steps you need to follow in order to secure your romance route for Chihaya Mifune and make her your girlfriend in Persona 5 Royal:
1. Play The Game Normally Until The Date 6/22:

Chihaya, unlike many of the other prospective love interests of Persona 5 Royal, will be inaccessible for quite some time. Although she appears later in the game than the other potential love partners Joker may run with, she is a lot more powerful than any of them. Those hoping to win her favor will have to wait until her scheduled visit in Shinjuku at the month’s end in June.
While waiting for Chihaya Mifune to appear in the game, you should make sure to do the following activities:
- Defeat Kamoshida, Madarame, and Kaneshiro, the game’s first three bosses, and clear out their respective palaces.
- Visit Mementos to unlock the maximum portion of the bonus dungeon.
- Join forces with other Phantom Thieves, as each player character has exclusive rewards locked away in their Arcana that can only be unlocked by the combined efforts of all the players.
- Increase Joker’s Social Stats with remaining free time. If you want to know all about raising all the available social stats in full detail, make sure to read our Ultimate Persona 5 Royal Social Stats Guide!
When it is 6/22 in the game, move over to the next step.
2. Meet Chihaya In Shinjuku At Night (Hangout Spot):

After the specified date has passed, plan an evening trip to Shinjuku. You’ll be stuck in the Metaverse forever if you get there before you’re ready.
In order to start rank 1, Joker must first return to Chihaya three times to activate their link, which can be a time-consuming process. Keep in mind that you may only visit Chihaya on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, thus completing the first level will take you around a week. Chihaya will get a chance to meet Joker and talk to him on his first visit. Even if this is a simple operation, remember that it is only the beginning to unlocking her Arcana.
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3. Pile Up On Some Cash (Important):

Chihaya is one of your few close friends who requires cash to take the relationship to the next level. Joker’s job will be considerably simpler if he has already set aside a significant cash for his next encounter with Chihaya. Among the many opportunities to make money in Persona 5 Royal, the following are some of the best:
- Pay Jose a visit in Mementos and pay attention to the rate at which money is dropped on the cognitive tab.
- Fight your foes in Mementos and try to haggle them down to a price that will make you happy. (The reward improves if you learn to use the Sun Arcana’s diplomatic and fundraising skills.)
- Gain some money and social standing by picking up extra shifts at work.
- The Airsoft Shop is selling valuables, surplus equipment, and guns.
4. Purchase The “Holy Stone” From Her For A 100,000 Yen:

When Joker next pays a visit to Chihaya, she’ll tell him that her “Holy Stone” would fix all that ails him. Even though it seems fishy, the next stage in gaining access to Chihaya’s Arcana involves Joker paying 100,000 yen for her “Holy Stone.”
Now is a good time to use Joker’s money supply. Pay the steep price for it, and then head back home for the day. After talking it over, Joker and Morgana will come back to find out more about this stone and why it costs so much.
5. Receive And Complete “Ending the Boyfriend’s Abuse” Mementos Request:

When Joker makes his next trip to Shinjuku, Chihaya will do one of her fortune readings for him, and Joker will participate. She explains that an abusive boyfriend would injure his spouse and that this fate cannot be reversed, but Joker is able to make a heart change because to the power that the Phantom Thieves possess. After receiving a name from Chihaya, you should make plans to visit Mementos and finish reading “Ending the Boyfriend’s Abuse” there as soon as possible.
Area 3 of the Path of Chemdah in Mementos is where you’ll find this particular monster. At a difficulty level of C, the player shouldn’t have any issue fulfilling this request. Once this task has been finished, you should go back to Chihaya to start the formal process of signing a contract among the both of you.
6. Visit Chihaya Regularly For Verification Tests:

Joker is free to pay Chihaya a visit during any of the four days she is accessible after successfully completing the challenging job of unlocking Chihaya’s Fortune Arcana. Choose to perform a verification test on her when Joker first meets her in order to raise her social status with the leader of the Phantom Thieves. It is imperative that you proceed with caution since this will demand you to choose certain talks in order to go further.
Below, we have gathered all the dialogue options you need to choose in order to progress:
- 1) 0, 0
- 2) 0, 0
- 3) 0, 0
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7. Pick Up Gifts For Chihaya And Give Them To Her:

Up until they reach rank 8, players will have uninterrupted access to Chihaya’s conversation options. Because there are so many ranks, it is probable that Joker will have to get together more than once in order to go through a single level. To get over this difficulty, always have a present on hand that Chihaya would like. Here are some of her favorite things:
- +2 Social Points Reward: Book Cover, Classical Hits, Custard Cake, All-Purpose Vitamins, Glass Vase, Local Mascot Set, Flower Basket, Digital Camera, Super Noisy Alarm Clock, Face Beautifier
- +3 Social Points Reward: Robot Vacuum, Star Mirror
If you want to know all about every gift you can give to Chuhaya Mifune in Persona 5 Royal to make her impressed, make sure to read our Ultimate Persona 5 Royal Gifting Guide where we list down the best gifts available for not only Chihaya but every confidant in the game!
8. Complete The “Debunking the Psychic” Mementos Request:

At some point in the future, Chihaya will let Joker know about a difficult boss. When Joker and his companions reach rank 8, Chihaya will give them another Mementos request that they have to fulfill before going on. You must defeat the corrupt psychic located in Path of Kaitul in Mementos in order to finish Chihaya’s final interim quest.
This mission has a difficulty level of C, which indicates that the Phantom Thieves shouldn’t have too much issue completing it. After finishing, you should go back to Chihaya and give her an update to finish rank 8.
9. Choose the “So I Can Be With You” Dialogue Option At The Confidant Rank 9:

In the end, after you have taken care of everything, you need to go back and visit Chihaya once again. Doing this will finally complete your whole romance route and make your confidant rank level 10. In this way, you have now technically completed the whole romance route.
However, you can still go and hang out with Chihaya anytime you want. This will net you additional dialogues and more to enjoy!
And there we have it, everything you need to know about dating Chihaya Mifune in Persona 5 Royal. Chihaya is certainly one of the romance options you can go for, however, her romance route is not as fleshed out as the others. On top of that, it is also pretty expensive (costing you 100,000 yen before you can proceed) which almost makes it sound like it is not the intended romance option or route for Joker.
However, if you like Chihaya and definitely want to romance her, then there is no wrong in it of course! We hope the guide will be of good use to you!