Personas are one of the most major aspects of the Persona games, as the name suggests. With Persona 5 Royal, you have the option to choose from up to about 200 Personas in the game.
With over 200 Personas in the game, that is almost too many to choose from. Personas are like Pokemons which help you in fights. Each Persona has unique stats and it is important you choose the one with better stats to help you out in the combat.
Even though there are over 200 Personas in the game, not each of them is the best at helping you. Some are more prevalent than the others. Therefore, you need to choose what Persona you want to equip with you in battle carefully. The best Personas can include Bugs, Sert, Ann and more.
In this guide, we will go through the top 10 Personas you can equip with you in the battles. They will help you be dominant in your combats and finish the battles very fast. So make sure to keep on reading if you want to know more!
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Concept Of Personas In Persona 5 Royal

The key to making advancement in each Persona game is to combine existing personalities and to acquire new personas. The same goes with Persona 5 Royal.
Fusing two or more personas together is the only way to gain certain personas, while others can be acquired through metaverse talks. Even while you may also gather personas, it is ultimately up to you to determine whether you would rather spend your time doing so or combining the personas you already have. Combining them together will invariably produce the best outcome overall.
The numerous elemental affinities that personas have allow them to learn spells that are exclusive to those elements. Certain personalities are so powerful that they may be deployed in every circumstance, despite the fact that all of the aspects have their place depending on the foe. Below we have ranked the top 10 Personas you can equip in the game. These will help you be prevalent in battles and more!
What Are The Top 10 Personas In Persona 5 Royal?
Following are the top 10 personas in Persona 5 Royal, ranked in the order of worst to best.
10. Bugs

This persona stands head and shoulders over the competition thanks to their access to the Auto-Mataru ability. By granting a rise in attack to your whole team at the beginning of the fight, you are able to concentrate on launching strikes that deal significant damage immediately away. Bugs, with to its “Group Hypnosis” ability, is another fantastic option for a support character.
Its persona’s buffs have their duration extended by one additional turn because to this characteristic. You are only allowed to utilize three buff turns in a row, and using a fourth one makes the process feel even longer. Bugs is not able to independently acquire a large number of support abilities; instead, he is able to learn the most effective skills to utilize via the use of fusion and skill cards.
9. Surt:

Surt is an expert in incredibly potent spells that do damage using fire. Even though he only has one fire spell, Blazing Hell, it is sufficient for all of his needs. This spell inflicts harm on all foes, and he can learn physical strikes that inflict devastating damage on a single foe or on all foes simultaneously.
In addition, Surt picks up the passive abilities Heated Bloodline, which lowers the required SP for all fire talents, and Fire Amp, which boosts the damage done by fire by an additional 50%. Because using Blazing Hell will make up the bulk of your gameplay with this persona, his attribute grants you the ability to cut in half the cost of any fire spells you cast.
8. Shiki-Ouji

Although Sjiki-Ouji is a persona that may be found early in the game at Madarame’s palace, his defensive skills remain active for the entirety of the game. He possesses one of the highest degrees of resistance to damage from physical attacks as well as damage from firearms, blessings, and curses of any persona.
Shiki-Ouji is an expert in dealing psychic damage and possesses the skill Psychic Bloodline, which halves the cost of casting any and all psychic spells. Psychic damage is Shiki-primary Ouji’s area of focus. Even if he has mastered all of his skills by the time he reaches level 24, players may still utilize skill cards to make him useful later on in the game.
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7. Alice

Alice specializes in curse spells and has learnt one that delivers significant harm to all foes. This particular spell is her signature ability. Alice is particularly skilled at curse skills that result in sudden death and has a good likelihood of acquiring them. Die For Me has a very good probability of eliminating all of the foes in the area immediately.
She also acquires the passive ability Just Die, which lowers the amount of SP required by skills that cause an immediate death, as well as the active ability Mudo boost, which raises the odds of successfully completing the kill. Megidolaon, which does significant damage to all adversaries and is excellent for swiftly eliminating large groups of foes, is another skill that Alice is mastering.
6. Black Frost

People have a tendency to think of the Frost characters as the cute little mascots or poster babies for Atlus’ games. Black Frost is a significant exception to the rule that most demons are encountered early in the game. Black Frost relies on ice spells, but only those that inflict significant or severe damage on all foes.
Black Frost also receives improvements to his heavy physical and gun skills, in addition to the ability Ice Amp, which makes his ice damage more effective. Because of his feature, he can cut the cost of learning ice abilities in half. This comes in handy when he wants to learn Diamond dust, which is the finest single-target ice ability in the game.
5. Maria

Having the Maria persona available to you during combat is one of the most effective ways to speed up the recuperation process. The Salvation spell is the most powerful healing spell in the base game. It restores all party members to full health and cures them of any status diseases they may have been suffering from.
Holy Benevolence, which revitalizes and heals everyone in the party, is another skill that Maria picks up. Because the passive ability of Ave Maria lowers the amount of SP required for recovery spells by 75%, this persona is an excellent choice for a recovery-only playstyle. This persona is suitable for use in situations in which you need to cure yourself or others since you learn the power to recover Joker’s health and SP each round.
4. Satan

Because he has learnt both Diamond Dust and Ice Age, which both do huge damage, Satan is the finest ice-based character in the game. Ice Age and Diamond Dust are both abilities that Satan possesses. After mastering a severe almighty-based attack, this persona also boasts some of the greatest damage output available over the entirety of the game.
Because Cocytus halves the cost of casting ice spells by 75%, he is best suited for a character that makes extensive use of the most potent ice magic in the game. With the ability to concentrate, assaults with this persona have the potential to eliminate most foes, even bosses, in just a few rounds.
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3. Lucifer

The Lucifer persona is immune to damage from fire, ice, lightning, and wind, and it can absorb damage from both physical attacks and curses. When you use this identity, your safety is not at jeopardy in any way, shape, or form. He also receives the ability Heat Riser, which for the following three rounds will grant him a raise in all of his stats (attack, defense, and agility).
Morning Star is the name of Lucifer’s unique power. With Allure of Wisdom, this skill inflicts severe and devastating damage on all foes while utilizing 75 percent less skill point than normal. He is also quite good at doing physical damage, and he does a significant quantity of it to all of his foes.
2. Satanael

This is the final incarnation that Joker was given in order to put an end to Yaldabaoth. Although you won’t be able to get him until you complete a New Game Plus run, he is definitely worth the wait and will rapidly end your second attempt at the game.
The Satanael persona possesses the ability to launch devastating curse strikes, in addition to deadly almighty, gun, and nuclear assaults. Because Satanael possesses a wider variety of elemental powers, he is more valuable than other great personalities who just possess a single strength. Because Joker’s HP and SP are restored at the end of each battle thanks to Victory Cry, you may go all-out without having to worry about conserving either resource.
1. Yoshitsune

The Yoshitsune persona is exceptional at doing physical harm and has mastered lightning magic that is extremely potent. Hassou Tobi inflicts moderate non-lethal physical damage on all eight of his foes simultaneously. He also learns Charge, which allows him to quickly take down even the most formidable bosses because it enhances the damage of his next physical strike by 150 percent.
Yoshitsune also receives a vast array of passive powers after the transformation. Because of his trait, Retaliating Body, his counter damage is increased by 100%. This is in addition to the fact that his abilities already provide him a high counter rate. Teaching him talents that repel or drain damage makes you nearly invincible while increasing the amount of damage you do.
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And there we have it, a list of the best Personas in Persona 5 Royal. You can choose and invest in any of these ones, and they’ll guarantee you a good payback for your investment in them. We hope this guide was helpful to you in deciding what kind of Persona to go for.