Chickens are one of the first farm animals you can stumble upon in Stardew Valley. They are an excellent source of early game profit and food. And, knowing how to take care of them really helps streamline your progress. However, this begs the question, how do you feed chickens without a silo?
To feed chickens without a silo, you need to obtain hay from Marnie’s shop or let your chickens graze on your farm.
In this guide, we’re going to be talking in detail about whether you need a Silo in the first place, how you can go about doing so, and what the best ways of feeding chickens in Stardew Valley are.
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What Do Chickens Eat In Stardew Valley?

Chickens feed on grass and hay in Stardew Valley. Once fed, Chickens give you eggs. They are an important resource in Stardew Valley.
Eggs can either be used to feed yourself while you’re out exploring mines, or be hatched to give your farm more pets. Moreover, Chickens are very inexpensive to raise compared to other farm animals in terms of building requirements and things they eat.
You do not have to worry about losing chickens, as no farm animals run away in Stardew Valley. You are required to be consistent and dedicated to raise them. The chickens require you to feed them daily for their mood and for them to lay big eggs. If the chickens do not get fed daily, there is a chance they get weak and don’t lay any eggs.
The chickens can eat grass and hay. The player needs to collect any two of them to feed the chickens. However, certain conditions and methods are needed to feed chickens without a Silo, which we have listed down below.
How To Feed Chickens Without Silo In Stardew Valley
There are 2 ways you can go about to feed your chickens in Stardew Valley. Both of the ways are listed below in detail.
1. Using Hay to Feed Your Chickens Manually

To feed your chickens in Stardew Valley, you will need to build them a coop. That’s where your chickens will live. Chickens can feed on hay or grass. To obtain hay, you can get it from Marnie’s shop for 50g. Once you obtain the hay, you can manually put it on the feeding tray in the coop and let your chickens feast on them.
The hay you get from the shop can get expensive real quick though. There are other multiple ways of obtaining Hay but that requires you to have a Silo. So, we’re not going to get into them at this particular point.
2. Grazing your Chickens:

The other easy way to feed your chickens without a Silo is letting them graze on your grass. The chickens feel happy when they’re left free after all. This is beneficial to you in the following ways:
1. Mood Boost:
Letting the chickens graze on your farm gives them a huge mood boost. They get happy when they’re left free and end up giving you big eggs. These are the highest quality eggs you can obtain from a chicken in Stardew Valley.
2. Farm Cleanup:
It gets rid of the extra grass around your farm for you. The chickens will eat up the grass, which will boost their mood as well as clean up your farm.
All you have to do for them to start grazing is to put a fence around the grass area and open up the coop door. All the chickens usually get out and automatically move to grass to feed. The chickens automatically return to the coop by 5 PM and that’s when you can close the door.
More On Feeding Chickens In Stardew Valley

While letting chickens graze is good for them and makes them happier than staying inside all day will, you have to make sure to close the coop door after all of them return to the coop.
This is to make sure the chickens don’t lower their mood. Leaving them free at night, rainy days or in winter will ruin their mood. It will, in turn, prevent them from laying any eggs. Even worse, they could get attacked by a wild animal.
Moreover, you have to remember that the grass does not grow in winters. This in result affects grazing your chickens. You should not let them out in winters because there is no grass to feed on. It also ruins their mood, meaning no eggs for you.
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Do You Need A Silo To Raise Chickens In Stardew Valley?

No, you do not need the Silo to raise chickens in Stardew Valley. However, in the grand scheme of things, it really is important to ensure the welfare of your chickens and help keep the cost to a minimum.
The Silo is very useful because it is an inexpensive way of taking care of your chickens. It lets you convert cut grass into hay and allows you to store upto 240 hay in it.
This way you can stockpile on hay and make sure your chickens are taken care of and remain well fed during winters as well. So we recommend investing in a Silo.
They’re cheap and an inexpensive way of dealing with your chickens. For the time being though, you can take care of and feed your chickens without a Silo as well, with the ways we described above.
To sum it up, all you have to do to feed your chickens without a Silo is to get hay for them and put in the coop for them to feed, or let them free and graze on your farm. You just need to be consistent and dedicated, do all of this and hopefully you’ll see them laying big eggs for you!